July 31, 2023
2 mins
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A new chapter begins for Loop

Introducing our new look and even more powerful financial services for growing businesses.

Cato Pastoll
A new chapter begins for Loop
Introducing our new look and even more powerful financial services for growing businesses.

Introducing our new look along with more powerful services to help businesses expand globally 

What is Loop? What does Loop do?

These are questions that we get from potential users and our community. From credit cards, to making payments to helping businesses collect revenue overseas - Loop has steadily introduced a suite of products designed to empower businesses with financial tools that support growth. But we admit it, until now we haven’t done a great job at stating what we do and why we do it. 

Our mission is to help businesses seamlessly manage money around the world so they can access more markets, save money and simplify their operations. Businesses across the country should know that they can bank on Loop to save time, save money and grow globally. 

To amplify and energize our mission, we’re unveiling our new website and domain: bankonloop.com 

Our new website and refreshed brand showcases the next evolution of our business. If you joined us through cards, or international payments or FX, you might have noticed over the past few months, completely new products like billing, financing, expense automation. You might’ve even thought to yourself - this is like my bank but better. 

This was our plan all along. Every whiteboard and notebook in the Loop office is scribbled with potential answers to the question - how can Loop define a new generation of financial services for businesses? 

Loop is a financial technology company, not a bank - but we do work with many bank partners in our goal to re-define what it means to to business banking

How? Banking shouldn’t be about bureaucracy, fees and … definitely not needing to visit a branch either. Banking should provide financial savings. Banking should unlock efficiency. And with the right partner, banking should even be able to unlock growth. 

Bank on Loop to save money

Growing businesses are cash flow conscious, and that means every dollar spent on growing - is crucial. Revenue should be used for growth, not spent on banking fees. 

  • No annual fees on corporate credit cards
  • No per user fees - add your entire team to Loop
  • Spend in other currencies with no FX with Canada's first no fee multi-currency credit card
  • Get leading FX rates - much much lower than banks and even lower than Wise 
  • No wire fees on global payments 
  • No account fees for global bank accounts 
  • Eliminate double conversions forever - local accounts so you can both pay and get paid locally.

With Loop, you’ll get transparent FX rates, no hidden fees and honest pricing. There’s no fine print and never any surprises.

Bank on Loop to save time

Lack of innovation in Canadian banking forces the average business to use 6-10 different providers to manage their finances. How about just using one? 

Loop is building a unified, robust and powerful financial platform. In a single place, all businesses that use Loop can: 

  • Manage accounts payable
  • Get corporate credit cards
  • Conduct your foreign exchange conversions
  • Open international bank accounts in other countries 
  • Easily track receipts, tax codes and manage expenses
  • Integrate with your accounting system 
  • Pay your team around the world
  • Request payments from your customers 
  • And more! 

Not having to manage your business finances across different platforms unlocks more time so you can focus on what matters - growing your business. 

Bank on Loop to grow

Loop strives to be a partner to all our clients, we’re committed to your growth. Why? Because if you grow - we grow. That’s how banking should be. 

We know businesses can grow their bottom line by eliminating fees and banking costs. But Loop clients get the edge by growing their top line. How? Better banking unlocks new opportunities, new markets and new relationships. 

  • Keep your supply chain happy with faster payments 
  • Go-to-market faster by opening local bank accounts in other countries without needing to incorporate
  • Get paid faster and with less friction with local payments 
  • Get access to capital faster by integrating Loop with your business data
  • Bill customers without losing revenue to credit card processing fees
  • Bring your revenue back over the border without cross-border fees or forced FX

With Loop - pay less expenses AND earn more revenue. Faster. Go ahead - get stuck in this better banking Loop.

Loop is designed for any business determined to grow

Whether you’re a CPG brand, a startup, selling on Amazon or even a freelancer - Loop is designed for any business looking to grow, scale and gain an edge. 

While we’re keen on unlocking money, time and growth for businesses across Canada, we’re even more excited that our work is unlocking the ambitions and goals of entrepreneurs. 

woman holding phone

This is a brief blurb that should summarize what loop does. Maybe it will serve as a brief intro to some of the features?

blue quotes

This is a brief blurb that should summarize what loop does. Maybe it will serve as a brief intro to some of the features?

gradient blobs of green and pink backgrounds